Palm leaf library Bali

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Palm leaf library Bali

Find my Leaf

Palm leaf library Bali

Find my Leaf

Palm leaf library Bali

Find my Leaf
How does the palm leaf library in Bali work?

The palm leaf library Bali is an institution, which aims to preserve the ancient sciences of the palm leaves. It contains not only personal palm leaves, but also many scriptures with ancient knowledge.

The palm leaves have been transcribed into books and the palm leaf reader will read from these books when giving the reading. The palm leaf readers are highly trained and usually meditate before each reading to connect with the karmic field of the seekers.

How long does the reading take?

The reading takes between 25-50 minutes. It will be send to you as a video recording.

Where is the library located?

The Bali palm leaf library is located in the north of Bali, about 3 hours from the International airport in Denpasar.

What is the cost of the reading?

The total price of the reading is 150€.

If you are living in a EU country, VAT will be added to the price. You can see the price for your country on the booking page.

What is the benefit of the Bali palm leaf reading?

The reading from the Bali palm leaf library will give you insights about the energetic characteristics of your being.

It will help you to understand more about yourself and will give you advice on how to align your life with the purpose of your soul.

The process of your Bali Palm leaf reading

  • Book your Reading

    Book your reading directly on our website.

  • Send your Info

    After booking, you receive a confirmation email from us with a request to send the following info:

    1. Your full name
    2. Your date of birth
    3. A clear photo of you, so the reader can already meditate on your karmic field before the reading.

    Note: We only send this information to the library. It is not shared with anybody else and deleted after your reading.

  • The Reading

    According to their availability, the library will record the reading for you.

  • The Recording

    After the reading you will receive the video recording and can download it.

What is the difference between the Palm Leaf Library in India
and the Palm Leaf Library in Bali ?

Palm Leaf Library in India
  • Your thumbprint, gender and country of birth are required before the reading.
  • Your palm leaf is identified at the beginning of the call through the matching process.
  • The entire process takes between 1h45min to 3h.
  • The reading describes your future life and gives guidance how to transform Karmic blockages with the help of spiritual practices.
  • In the reading, also the future life of your close family members is described
  • The cost for the entire process is €289.00.
Palm Leaf Library in Bali
  • Your name, date of birth and a photo is required before the reading.
  • Your palm leaf is identified before the reading. The content has already transcribed into a book which is used as the base for the reading.
  • The entire process takes 25-60min.
  • The reading does not speak about your future. It speaks about the general characteristics of your soul and gives recommendations for your life.
  • The reading is only about you and does not speak about your family.
  • The cost for the entire process is €150.00

Our welcome gift to you:

Sign up for our newsletter and receive a 10€ discount code that you can apply to your palm leaf readings.

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